
User Guide

Duke is for users who prefer to use a desktop app for keeping track of users’ todos, deadlines and events.


Feature 1 - Todos.

Todos are a type of task that contain only an indicator to show if it is down, followed by a description.

Todos are tagged with [T]

eg. [T][X] Read finish chapter 3.

Feature 2 - Deadlines.

Deadlines are a type of task that contain only an indicator to show if it is down, followed by a description and a date to show its deadline.

Deadlines are tagged with [D]

eg. [D][X] Quizzes for CS2103T (by: May 5 2019, 18:00 PM).

Feature 3 - Deadlines.

Events are a type of task that contain only an indicator to show if it is down, followed by a description and a date to show its deadline.

Deadlines are tagged with [D]

eg. [E][X] Game farming event (at: May 6 2019, 20:00 PM).

Feature 4 - Saving to file

Whenever you make any changes to the database (ie. Adding, removing or marking tasks as done),

General Commands

list - Shows every todo, event and deadline in a list

Example of usage: list

Expected outcome: Returns all items printed in a list format.


delete - Deletes the task from the index

Example of usage: delete 2

Expected outcome: Removes the 2nd task from the list in the database.


find - Finds all tasks related to the keyword

Example of usage: find Draw

Expected outcome: Returns all tasks with the keyword ‘book’.


done - Marks the task from index as done

Example of usage: done 2\

Expected outcome: Update the 2nd task from the list in the database as done.


Commands to add tasks (ie. Todos, Events and Deadlines)

todo - Adds a todo into the list.

todo <Description>

A todo has no date involved. todo should be followed by a short description

Example of usage: todo Read Chapter 3

Expected outcome: Adds a todo with the corresponding description to the list.


event - Adds a event into the list.

event <Description> /at <Date>

For Date, please use the following format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm. Eg. 2020-02-14 18:00

An event has a date involved.

Example of usage: event Job Seminar /at 2020-03-22 12:00

Expected outcome: Adds a event with the corresponding description and date to the list.


deadline - Adds a deadline into the list.

deadline <Description> /by <Date> For Date, please use the following format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm. Eg. 2020-02-14 18:00

An event has a date involved.

Example of usage: deadline Finish CS2103T deliverables /by 2020-02-14 16:00

Expected outcome: Adds a deadline with the corresponding description and date to the list. deadline